The goal with our juice fasting detox programs at Moinhos Velhos is to facilitate detoxification and purification on all levels: physical - mental - emotional - spiritual
The subtle, spiritual aspects of the juice fasting programs are very important, because of course, the subtle aspects of our very being - our innermost thoughts and feelings - are also very important! Every day includes yoga and meditation (suitable for beginners) and we chant Om and Om Namah Sivaya, the latter representing the destruction of the old for the new and purified soul to come into being. Yoga has been an integral part of our juice fasting programs from the very beginning, with our late co-founder Frank being strongly affiliated with Sivananda Yoga.
We feel connected to the earth and the sun, the devas and the nature spirits and we want to work in harmony with all living things. All of our produce is organically grown and we do not allow any pesticides or chemically fertilizer on our soil. We have been conducting these programs for over thirty years at Moinhos Velhos (2023) which builds a strong healing energy into the very fabric of the place!
We limit participation in our retreats to a maximum of 15 clients, so our highly trained team can give each and every one of you the individual attention that you need and deserve.
Hearts and Minds
The experience and knowledge generated from helping thousands of people is deeply embedded in the very fabric of Moinhos Velhos, and in the hearts and minds of the facilitation team. This deep experience, confidence, and reassurance of helping people transform, over and over, is priceless! However it's important to note, alongside the vast therapeutic capacity of the retreats, the team also like them to be fun and light, with a strong emphasis on the group experience. One of Richard's favourite pieces of advice he was ever given was 'if it's not fun it's not spiritual!' and a feeling of joy is an essential part of the retreats!

The Need For Juice Fasting
We believe that many health problems are caused, or made worse, by un-healthful accumulations within the body. These accumulations may be in the form of chemical toxins such as PCB's, Dioxin, pesticide residue, etc, or normal metabolic products that are present in abnormal amounts. Which is why fasting is so important
One of the most common questions asked is about fasting and metabolism. The fear is that while fasting, the metabolism will slow down and afterward there will be more weight gained than before the fast. Initially, any calorie reduction will cause a lowering in the BMR or base metabolic rate. Cleansing will bring health that will increase metabolic performance and energy output. In other words, you will eat less and feel more energetic.
Other benefits of our juice detox program are an improvement in your mental clarity and concentration level, lowering of your blood pressure, lowering of the blood sugar levels and an increase in the cell’s insulin sensitivity. During the fast the body gets the chance to get rid of any excess fats that are stored in your cells. This means that after the fast your body has to produce less insulin to maintain your blood sugar levels at a steady level.
At Moinhos Velhos we also use a selection of herbs to loosen the deposits on the the intestinal wall, as well as psyllium husk and bentonite clay to facilitate the evacuation of the loosened debris. Then with the Clysmatic device for colon cleansing, the sauna for cleansing through the skin, our salt water pool and various holistic therapies, we achieve a total cleanse.
Nutrition Workshops
During your stay with us our head nutritionist Ed van Tegelen offers several workshops on nutrition to help you not only understand the fasting process more clearly, but also to have some potent knowledge to take away with you and improve your nutritional health once back at home.

Fasting is a Universal Natural Response to Increase and Recover Vitality
In Plato's Words
"I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency."
The ancient Greeks fasted for health and longevity, and were known for their robust physical health. Galen, Paracelsus and Hippocrates, who are recognized as the founding fathers of Western medicine, prescribed and practiced fasting for all serious ailments.
Pythagoras required his students to fast for 40 days to purify body and mind prior to receiving his highest teachings. Plato and Aristotle, whose thought forms the very warp and woof of Western philosophy, fasted regularly to enhance physical health and stimulate mental powers.
Hindu yogis are famous fasters and colon cleansers. Gandhi is well known for his extended fasting, and less remembered from the perspective of his colon cleansing. We have seen a movie from Rishikesh were the yogi swamis emerge themselves in the Ganges river with a tube in the rectum, drawing the water from the river into the colon, and the squirting the water out through the tube. (I think our Clysmatic device must be much easier!)
Animals always fast when they are sick. The Bible mentions fasting 74 times, and that Jesus himself fasted frequently, sometimes up to 40 days at a time recommending fasting and colon cleansing to restore the body to health.
Fasting is one of the ten canons of yoga.
In his code, the manu smriti, the great Hindu lawgiver, manu, prescribes fasting for the removal of the five capital sins. Diseases that are pronounced incurable by doctors are cured by fasting. Occasionally, a complete fast is greatly desirable for all to keep up good health, to give adequate rest to the internal organs and maintain celibacy. All diseases have their origin in overeating and verily fasting is the only method to cure this.
The traditional Taoist method of cleansing the colon involved therapeutic fasts combined with powerful herbal purgatives that dissolved mucus and dredged debris from the colon. These methods are mentioned as far back as the third century BC, in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.
So colon cleansing is not something new, but has been practiced for over 2000 years. If diseases were caused by impurities and toxins 2000 years ago, how much more vital must it be to fast and cleanse today, when we live in a world putrefied with chemicals and toxins. Welcome!
We've Tried Them All!
There are many types of fasts. There is the water fast, the fruit fast, the rice fast, the juice fast, the grapefruit fast, even the prana (air) fast. Over the years our pioneering founders tried them all, and as Frank will tell you the last one was tough. All the fasting programs had something to offer, but it is generally accepted that for a preventive and curative effect a liquid juice fast gives the body the best opportunely to detoxify and regenerate.
Remember that in itself fasting is not a cure, but rather it is a process that facilitates the body's healing mechanisms. It is a gift to an overburdened body and it is extremely effective in creating an internal environment where the body can do what it does best - heal itself.

A Special Place
Moinhos Velhos also has some very special energies. In addition to discovering that there are thousands of small quartz crystals in the ground all around in the valley, Moinhos Velhos is also on one of the twelve synchronic lines. The synchronic lines are identifed as a network of streaming energy that encircle planet Earth and catalyze great forces. They are special lines of communication that become amplifiers of emotions, carrying information which reaches out to all living beings, crossing Earth like vibrant highways of energy.

Nutrition in the Kitchen by Ed
Understanding Human Nature by Richard
Check out head nutritionist Ed's book 'Nutrition in the Kitchen' here. Ed is not only an absolute encycopedia of nutritional knowledge but he's also a creative genius with his food preparation and this book encapsulates both these key areas, key nutritional knowledge and delicious recipes.
Check out our wellness expert Richard's book, Understanding Human Nature, A User's Guide To Life here. The book brings together 25yrs of Richard's experience in Chinese medicine, yoga and meditation, dance and movement, Native American mysticism, tantra and community living.

Nutrition in the Kitchen by Ed
Check out head nutritionist Ed's book 'Nutrition in the Kitchen' here. Ed is not only an absolute encycopedia of nutritional knowledge but he's also a creative genius with his food preparation and this book encapsulates both these key areas, key nutritional knowledge and delicious recipes.
Understanding Human Nature by Richard
Check out our wellness expert Richard's book, Understanding Human Nature, A User's Guide To Life here. The book brings together 25yrs of Richard's experience in Chinese medicine, yoga and meditation, dance and movement, Native American mysticism, tantra and community living.